Thursday, May 26, 2022

Do you need a path to follow?


The great missionary, David Livingstone; when he started modern mission movements in Africa, the mission society that sent him to Africa wrote him a letter.

They said, Dr. Livingstone, (he had been there for a couple of years) is there a path well paved to where you are? If there is, we have men that we want to send to help you.



Dr. Livingstone wrote back and he said that if you have men who will only come if a path has been paved, I don’t want them. I want men who will only come if there is no path at all.


I believe in the year that the church is living in, God wants to take us to places where paths have not yet been developed to where we need to go and we need to engage risk, we need to embrace risk.


We need to understand the book of James 4:13 says, “Life is but a vapor, here today, gone tomorrow”. Let’s stop trying to make everything comfortable, as if we are going to be here forever, because we are not.

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