Saturday, June 4, 2022

Rick's Recipes: Fresh Strawberry Pie



Recipe type: fruit pie

Prep time:  10 mins

Cook time:  5 mins

Total time:  15 mins

Serves: 8 servings


About the recipe:   Strawberries, sugar, Jello (sugar-free or regular, you choose), Clear jel or cornstarch, and light corn syrup are the filling ingredients. You begin with a baked pie crust or a graham cracker crust and top it with cool whip or whipped cream.


This recipe calls for sugar and lite corn syrup. The jello you use also has sugar in it. When I’m out of strawberry jello, I use raspberry instead. And, when I make this recipe, I don’t add sugar. With the Jello and lite corn syrup, it’s sweet enough without adding sugar. For what it’s worth, that’s my opinion.  Or, you can use a small amount of sugar with sugar-free jello if you’d like.



You can increase or decrease the sugar on this, depending on your liking. I usually use sugar-free jello, but you can use regular jello if you'd like. I've served this with both a graham cracker crust and a baked pie crust.





  • 1 cup water
  • ½ - 1 cup sugar
  • 3 Tbsp. cornstarch OR Clear Jel
  • 2 Tbsp. light corn syrup (if you're using cornstarch)
  • 3 Tbsp. strawberry jello - (change the flavor to match the fruit you're using)
  • 3 cups sliced strawberries
  • Cool Whip or whipped cream
  • 9-inch pie crust or graham cracker crust





1.  Combine water, sugar, cornstarch (or Clear Jel), and corn syrup into a kettle.

2.  Cook until it becomes clear and thick, stirring constantly.

3.  Remove from heat and add Jello.

4.  Stir until Jello is dissolved

5.  Cool until mixture begins to congeal.

6.  Add strawberries to mixture.

7.  Pour into pie shell

8.  Chill.

9.  Serve with whipped cream or cool whip topping


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