Saturday, June 11, 2022

Rick's Recipes: My Mama's Homemade Meatloaf


Author: MyWindowsill

Recipe type: Main dish

Cuisine: American

Prep time:  15 mins

Cook time:  1 hour

Total time:  1 hour 15 mins

Serves: 8-10

A simple, hearty recipe for homemade meatloaf that will have you coming back for more. 


  • 3 lb. ground hamburger
  • 2 cups milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup oatmeal
  • 2 cups tomato juice
  • 1 cup crushed cornflakes
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Onion, peppers or garlic to taste (optional - and this is not in her recipe)


1.  Mix all ingredients together.

2.  Put into a 9 x 12-inch pan.

3.  Cover top with ketchup.

4.  Bake at 250 for 2 hours OR at 350 for 1+ hour.

5.  You can top with ketchup after the first hour.

6.  SUNDAY MORNING baking times:

7.  Heat in oven at 350 until it begins to cook.

8.  Turn off oven and set time-bake for 11 o'clock at a temperature of 250.

9.  It will be ready to serve at 1PM after church


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