Friday, June 22, 2007

Can you hear me now?

This afternoon my wife and daughter, Stephanie, (with Alyse) took me to the Presbyterian Medical Clinic due to my ears being stopped up. With great embarrassment, I met with the doctor, who informed me that I had "cement" in my ears. Apparently, I am not alone. He said he sees several cases per week of men who have "ear wax" filling their ear canals. Mine is caused due to the "heartbreak of psoriasis" I suffer with. A simple process performed by the doctor always leaves my ears nice and clean, and my hearing greatly improved (though my wife still accuses me of "selective hearing".) Thanks to Dr. Jim and his staff !

Here is a picture of my granddaughter, Alyse, when she heard about my visit to the clinic :

Today brought a reminder that I need to be still and listen to the Lord - for He is speaking. I want nothing in my life to hinder the voice of God as he calls out to my heart. The desire of my heart is to respond to God as the prophet Samuel of the Old Testament ( 1 Samuel 3:10) "Speak, for your servant is listening."

As I have recently prepared my resume for review I have taken the opportunity to revisit my personal mission statement. It goes like this:

My Life Purpose is to live and maintain a life of integrity, trust and faith in Jesus Christ, and participate in the Great Commission by using the gifts entrusted to me by God and personal experiences to enable people to become faithful and effective disciples of Jesus Christ. I want my wife to know that her husband loves and cherishes her. I want my children to have a legacy that reflects a father of credibility. I want the people that are the closest to me to sense they are loved by God and that I am a person who can be trusted. I want to be able to laugh each day. I deeply desire to be part of a team that is effective for Jesus Christ. I want my life experiences to display the confidence I have that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is relevant and life changing. Each day I start over in a new journey. I want to stay close to the heart of Jesus, which in turn will keep my heart stirred for the Lord.

Thanks for your prayers as Sharron and I face one of the greatest times of transition in our 29 years of marriage. We truly want to hear the clear voice of God, to know with clarity what God's direction is in our life, and choose to follow God's will.

- Rick


  1. Thanks for sharing about your ear wax issues. I think you just need to learn to listen. :)

  2. Random fact: Did you know that ear wax isn't wax at all? Sorry, my dad was a science teacher for 35+ years. I have no ability to hold back my random dispersement of useless knowledge.

    Amy F.(Stephanie's friend from church)

  3. And I too will keep praying for you and Sharron throughout this transition time, because I want the very best for you, and I know that's just what the Lord will give you. "The Lord longs to be gracious to you; He rises to show you compassion..." Isaiah 30:18
