Saturday, August 4, 2007

I've been tagged

I have been tagged by my friend Amy. Here we go.....

Places I've Lived:
1) Charlotte, NC
2) Herndon, VA (right outside of DC)
3) Bartlesville, OK
4) Marion, IN
5) Sturgis, MI
6) Topeka, KS
7) Raleigh, NC (I'm on my way.)

Favorite TV Shows:
1) Monk
2) Psych
3) Hell's Kitchen
4) Law and Order (Criminal Intent)

Favorite Food:
1) Anything chocolate
2) BBQ
3) I like my Momma's Pancake breakfast at Cracker Barrel (blueberry's in the pancakes)
4) Chicken and rice

Places I'd rather be:
1) My wife says- Church
2) My daughter says - asleep
3) I say- alone
4) Ricar, Ecuador

Favorite movies:
1) Star Wars (The 1st trilogy)
2) Field of Dreams
3) Bourne series (I am going to see the new one asap)
4) Home movies of Alyse

Tag Time:
1) Stephanie
2) If you are reading this and you attend NRN then you are tagged!


  1. Hi Rick!!! Found your blog through Mark O. Wilson's infamous "list"

    I blog - - - it is my hobby - - - come visit mine sometime, I'm all about pictures. :-)

  2. Thanks for finding my blog and leaving me such a nice comment!!! Comments are "all it" to a blogger!!!

    Oh trust me, I've already perused your blog and "met" Alyse. She is a little doll!!!

    You don't have too many comments on this blog, but now that I've found it, that is about to change!!!!

    So fun to find you again.

    Hey - - - did you look down far enough into my blog to find the post titled "It Is No Surprise..."? Better find that one - - - it is my current favorite!!!!

  3. Ooops - - - it's really called "It Is No Secret"
