Thursday, October 25, 2007

From Homeless - to - Home at last!

It is awesome to see how God is at work in our life!

In my last posting I shared a portion of the journey to bring
us to date at that time. Here is the unfolding of the following days:

On Thursday morning of October 18th we closed on our house in Raleigh. Sharron and I decided to celebrate with a meal at our favorite breakfast restaurant - Cracker Barrel. We purchased a few needed item and then made our way to our new house. With the turn of the key - Sharron re- keyed the house locks to our set of keys. We returned for our final evening at the home of Phil and Joanie Richards.

We arose early on Friday morning to meet the movers at our house. It was a great crew that unloaded us on the rainy morning of Oct. 19th. It did not take long and our house and garage was full of boxes waiting to be unloaded. The movers laughed when I told them I was a minister and they saw the pulpit come out of the trunk and into my garage.
One asked "Did you move the "kitchen sink" as well?

Sharron and I really appreciate the efforts of Joanie Richards as she began the task of unpacking the boxes marked "kitchen". I did not even notice when she slipped away to the store and returned with a house warming gift of chocolate ice cream (with splenda) to place in my empty freezer. THANKS
Also, Phil Richards was there with a pencil behind his ear - his tool box and drill to hang blinds on the windows of our home. WOW! I tried the night before to hand the blinds in our living room but did not have good success.
Phil went to task and I admit I was impressed that he actually read the instructions and placed the blinds in perfect position on all our windows
through out the house. I am thankful and my wife is thrilled to have this task accomplished!

It was so nice to welcome our first guest to our home when Donna and Roy Philemon stopped by with a basket of fresh fruit and cookies. This short visit really encouraged Sharron and I as we felt the transformation of seeing our house become a home.

One of the final task was the removal of our empty boxes and paper to the local recycle center. When Cindi Whiteside heard of this need she moved into action. Jan LaLone (left) and Cindi (right) arrived at our house with a
truck which we loaded to capacity with empty boxes and they took them away for us. This is a real blessing and helped us soooo much! Thanks to Cindi and Jan for their labor of love.

The biggest surprise of all came when Josh, Stephanie and Alyse arrived for their first visit to "Grammy and Papa's house". We enjoyed an
evening together and then Josh returned to Charlotte and Stephanie and Alyse have spent the remainder of this week with us. Our house has become a home. There has been the sounds of laughter by our granddaughter. Tonight there were even tears before she settled for the night.

On Sunday morning my voice was almost gone due to my allergies however, I was able to preach the final message in the current series.

The church board surprised the pastoral staff with a special presentation
for Pastoral Appreciation Sunday. I was so thankful for the church family at
North Raleigh and the generosity shown to me and my family. I am so blessed!
Sharron and I are so happy!

We are now home at last!
Thank you for your thoughts and prayers for us during this time of transition. Sharron and I have dedicated our home to the Lord! It is amazing to see how God set everything into order, in the perfect time, in His perfect way. I am reminded of a passage of Scripture I recently shared on a Sunday morning:
"The One who called you is completely dependable . If he said
it, he'll do it!"
1 Thess. 5:24 (MSG)
This my friends, is truly a trustworthy statement!


  1. We loved having you in our home and miss you so much. Just remember, we still have your Diet Rite in our refrigerator, but I've finished off the last of the chocolate ice cream (with Splenda). The Lord has truly blessed the North Raleigh family by bringing you to us.

    Joanie & Phil

  2. Happened across your blog and it is truly uplifting. Thank you for sharing. All of your pictures are wonderful and your new home is fantastic. I live in Las Vegas. Bless you and your family with God's Love and that signature touch with a scripture from Thessolonians is picture perfect.

  3. Welcome HOME to North Carolina! It has been a blessing over the years to visit you in many places including Northern Virginia, Indiana, Michigan, and Kansas. However, there's no place like HOME! And, the Hubers join me in the joy of knowing you are close - and knowing our friendship that has stood the test of time and distance will be we spend many wonderful times together! God is good - all the time!
