Thursday, October 11, 2007


Since my last posting - my life is been hectic and full. Just like a current commercial on TV says: "Life comes at you fast". We enjoyed a great family vacation and then prepared to resume life in the fast line.

On our way back to Raleigh for our first weekend back - I was sitting in the passenger seat as Sharron drove. She asked me "did you feel that?" Soon we were on the side I-85 with a flat tire.

About an hour later we were on our way to the home of Phil and Joanie Richards. Sunday was a great day in the Lord with a time of worship and service and God's presence was with us!

On Monday Sharron and I departed for the mountains of North Carolina for the annual pastor's retreat with the NC District of the Church of the Nazarene. It was a time of making new friends. It was a time of reflection as I took in the sights of beautiful mountains of North Carolina. The last time I was on a retreat at Ridgecrest was shortly after graduating from college when I served as youth pastor at St. Paul Wesleyan Church in Charlotte, NC.Sharron and I especially enjoyed meeting the area General Superintendent for the Church of the Nazarene. We asked the pastors to join us in the request for the sale of our house.
As we gathered in NC for our retreat I remembered that many of the pastors in Kansas were gathering for the annual retreat in the Colorado mountains. I contact our friend Rob Stewart and asked that the pastors join us in prayer.

On Tuesday evening I received a phone call from our realtor, Jerry Brosious, and after several counter offers - WE SOLD OUR HOUSE IN TOPEKA! When we shared the good news with our Nazarene brothers and sisters a cheer was raised with praise!

NOW a NEW CHAPTER of our life begins to unfold:

The next Monday Sharron and I met with our agent with Countrywide Home Loans to pre-qualify for a house loan. Tuesday we met with our new realtor in Raleigh and by Wednesday we had signed a contract for a new house. Words cannot express our excitement when the offer was accepted and Sharron and I stood outside our new home in Raleigh.

God has richly blessed us with a new 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath home with a living room, family room, dining room and a loft upstairs for a home study. We are scheduled to go to closing on Thursday Oct. 18th and the moving truck is scheduled to arrive on the morning of Friday October 19th.

I have shared with several friends that Sharron and I had prayed and prayed and finally shared with the Lord that we were at the end of our rope. We believe that God heard not only our prayers, but also those of the pastors in NC and Kansas and the faithful prayers of the family at North Raleigh. I am so thankful for the patience shown by the family at North Raleigh and their support for us during this extended transition. We can hardly wait to establish our new home in Raleigh NC.

I also believe that when God answered our prayers it was like a row of dominoes set forth. I could picture my heavenly father looking down at us with a smile on his face. When we asked in faith it was like God saying "Okay, you asked for this... then with a thump of his thumb on the first dominoes - the progression took place quickly as each piece of his will for us began to unfold. When I look back at the last 2 weeks it is almost a blur to see the powerful hand of God at work in our lives. It is always good to see God active in our lives and give credit where credit is due.

I was out of the pulpit for the first Sunday since becoming Lead Pastor at North Raleigh as Sharron's father and brother traveled from Canada to join us for the Canadian Thanksgiving weekend (over our Columbus Day weekend). We enjoyed the family gathering on Sunday with the traditional Thanksgiving meal. It was a special treat to have Sharron's Dad - Emerson Wiltshire with us to see his first great grandchild. The four generation picture is of Em with his daughter Sharron and her daughter Stephanie with her daughter Alyse. I really enjoyed the time with Dad and Les (Sharron's brother). We appreciate the hospitality of Josh and Stephanie. We also appreciate Joyce Ford opening her home for us for the overnight time. God has blessed us with family and friends.

Dad and Les departed from Raleigh on Monday. Sharron and I departed on Tuesday for Kansas to meet with the movers as we pack the house on Wednesday and Thursday and plan to load the truck on Friday ( in the morning) and see the truck depart for our new home in Raleigh. Sharron and I fly back to Raleigh on Saturday and I look forward to preaching on Sunday!

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." 1 Thess 5:11 These my friends, are trustworthy words which I want to apply to my life. PR

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear that you finally got your house sold. I'm sure that will really free your mind from some unnecessary stress and allow you to concentrate more fully on God, family and ministry.
