Friday, February 8, 2008

A Parent's Promise

I am back from a short time away from my blog.

On Friday Janaury 25 Sharron and were priviledge to be at the dedication for our granddaughter Alyse.

Here are words of the PARENT'S PROMISE:

As a parent, I accept my child as a unique gift from God. I understand that my parental responsibility involves encouraging my child to pursue a relationship with Jesus Christ and helping my child understand God's specific purpose for her life. therefore, I promise today that I will strive to do the following:

To recognize that my relationship with this child is a sacred trust which requires an investment of quality time and unconditional love.

To accept the primary responsibility to teach my child the spiritual truths and values of Scripture.

To pray consistently or the physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing of my child.

To demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit of Christ.

We celebrate the dedication of Alyse to the Lord. Since I was not raised in a Christian home I was never dedicated to the Lord by my parents. I am so glad that through my faith and trust in Jesus Christ as my personal Savior - I have been taken in, adopted, into the family of God. When God granted us the precious gifts of Danielle and Stephanie on November 1, 1980 we dedicated them to the Lord in a public service. Now, our granddaughter has been dedicated to the Lord. Our prayer is that she will one day embrace Jesus as her Lord and Savior and then walk with Him for a lifetime.

"I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of Him. So now I give him to the Lord." 1 Samuel 27-28a This is a trustworthy saying!

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