Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Extreme Home Makeover

This past Sunday I began a four part series of messages entitled, “Extreme Home Makeover for Families.” The goal of the series is to help us understand: (1) How our marriages can be as God intended (2) How our parenting skills can be improved. This series will also include a message designed for single adults in our church family. The opening message was entitled:

The Job Description of a Good Marriage

Here is what I placed on the cover of our worship folder:

I am aware of a 165-question survey that pastors and counselors use for premarital and marriage counseling. It scores about ten different areas of married life. The people who compile this survey and score it decided to do a little digesting of 10,000 surveys; 5,000 men answers and 5,000 women; and they asked basic questions to identify the top issues that men and women most often highlight as concerns in their relationships.

  • Here are the top concerns that women reported in their relationships:
    My spouse can be too stubborn.
    Some differences never seem to get resolved.
    I wish my husband were more willing to share his feelings with me.
    I wish my partner were less critical and negative.
    My partner often does not understand how I feel.

  • Now, here is what the men said were the top issues for them:
    My spouse can be too stubborn.
    Sometimes differences never seem to get resolved.
    There is difficulty dealing with my partner's moodiness.
    There are serious disputes over unimportant issues.
    I wish my partner was less critical and negative.
To listen to this message simple click HERE It will take a few moments to download - just be patient.

For those who missed a clip with my message, here is a little something for you:

Today was a milestone for me as my Facebook page reached the goal of having 100 friends. WOW - It is great to connect with new friends and more friends from the past. I stated on my Facebook page today that ... Rick is not ashamed of the Gospel for it is the power of salvation for all who believe. This is a trustworthy statement.

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