Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Ready to get wet for Jesus?

On Sunday May 4th we celebrated the baptism of 5 people at North Raleigh! There were four children and one adult that was baptized by Pastor Brittany Cottle. I preached a message about the importance of baptism.

Each candidate attended a baptism class on the previous Wednesday night. They were taught what the Bible says about baptism and asked the simple question: Are you ready to get wet for Jesus?

Before each candidate was baptized we paused to hear their written testimonies. I thought you would enjoy these:

Esther: I have been a Christian for more than 9 years and I accepted Christ as my Savior in this church. I was baptized as a baby and for me, today's baptism is a chance to embrace my original baptism, to publicly acknowledge my love for the Lord and to show everyone that all of my trust and all of my faith are in the Lord. The Lord is faithful and greatly to be praised!

David: It all started saying prayers one night with my mom. After that, I decided to let Jesus into my heart. My mom agreed with me so I prayed a holy prayer. I said I was a sinner and I asked Jesus to come into my heart and forgive me of my sins. After that, I felt really fabulous and totally refreshed.

PS. I was 7 when I let Jesus into my heart. It was March 8, 2007, so now I know I have been a Christian for more than a year.

Rachel: I feel awesome. Jesus can help us every day. He can help me not be scared. I pray to Jesus and He speaks to me. Thank you for the Holy Bible. Thank you for being in my heart.

Glady: God- I trust God - He makes me haqqy (happy)!

Ethan: I want to get baptized today because I love Jesus. I want everyone to know that I love Jesus. Every night when I go to bed I ask Jesus to be in my heart and be in my family's hearts too. I ask Him to wash all the dirt out of my heart so that people can see the treasure there. I think everybody should ask Jesus in their hearts. I like to tell my friends about Jesus but sometimes they don't listen. I wish everyone would love Jesus. I want to thank Gramma Gail for teaching me about Jesus in my Sunday School class. She lets us ask questions about Jesus if we don;t understand and she helps me understand more. I also want to thank Pastor Brittany for teaching me about baptism. I just want everyone to know that I love Jesus!

For each candidate, after brushing the tears from her eyes, Pastor Brittany would ask the question: "Have you accepted Jesus Christ into your life for the forgiveness of sin?" Each answered "Yes" Then they were baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. With that - the congregation at NRN broke out in cheers and applause as we celebrated these public testimonies of God saving power and grace at work!

Sunday was an awesome day at NRN!

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