Friday, May 23, 2008

Taken Hostage

Last night my daughter, Stephanie, and I were discussing our blogs. She gave me some tips and I gave her some also. Today, she would like to share some things she learned with you.

Hello everyone!
If you have ever read my blog, you will know that mine is a little different from my fathers. So, I have come up with a list of 10 things that I have learned on how to write a "Rick Hudgens Blog".

  1. Check the news to see if there are any recent articles that I would like to copy and paste.
  2. Check the "On This Day In History" page to see if there is anything that I would like to post.
  3. Check my daughter's blog to see if there are any pictures that I would like to steal.
  4. If it is right before or right after a Sunday, write about what the sermon was about in great detail.
  5. Use the word "milestone" at least once
  6. Add a humorous clip or cartoon *By the word humorous, I mean humorous to me!
  7. Instead of writing 2 or 3 short blogs, put them all together into one really great long blog.
  8. Talk about Alyse Nicole (because she is the cutest 1 year old ever!)
  9. Take forever into putting things in just the right place, reading, editing, re-reading, and then getting frustrated because it is taking so long and I can't get it "just right!"
  10. After publishing, smile, and then check often to see if I have any comments.

I have to say that I really do enjoy reading my dad's blog. It makes me laugh. I also learn something ever time I read it. My husband, Josh, always says that dad's blog is "factual". Well, his blog is titled "Trustworthy Sayings"!

**** Please know that this post is meant to be humorous. I love my dad and respect him very much These, my friends, are trustworthy sayings! ****

Thank you for sharing, Stephanie. Just wait for me to hijack your blog!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Stumbled onto your page. Sounds like you guys have an awesome relationship. Great tips by the way.
