Saturday, June 7, 2008

Hold on to the rope

This evening the General Conference of the Wesleyan Church will convene. From the Wesleyan Church web site:

Delegates and guests representing nearly 400,000 members of The Wesleyan Church fellowship in over 80 countries of the world are meeting in Orlando, Florida to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the Church and set its course for the next quadrennium. "Believing in our Future, and Building on our Past" is the theme of the five-day event, which combines legislative sessions, forums on Wesleyan beliefs, ministry reports, and position statements on social issues. The eleventh General Conference will also celebrate The Wesleyan Church's mission to proclaim the gospel message worldwide, helping to fulfill the Great Commission in the spirit of the Great Commandment.
Today is a time of reflecting upon my spiritual journey within the Wesleyan Church. As a teenager growing up in Charlotte, NC a good friend - Allen Newell - invited me to church. Soon First Wesleyan Church also became my church home. It was through the influence of the youth ministry that I attended my first youth conference in 1972. As a result of that youth conference and especially the words spoken by Jimmy Johnson; I accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. My parents and two younger brothers were not believers yet my spiritual journey began. Graduating from East Mecklenburg High School in June of 1973 I was working at NAPA auto parts and wanting to go to college. The opportunity came in August when a scholarship became available and I enrolled at Central Wesleyan College (Now Southern Wesleyan University) in Central, SC. It was there my spiritual life solidified and I sensed a call into ministry. Shortly after beginning college I felt a call into ministry and received my first license in the Wesleyan Church in 1973. I held my first ministry position as Minister of youth and music at Bethel Wesleyan Church in Flat Rock, NC. I was later granted a district license in 1975 by the North Carolina West District of the Wesleyan Church. My wife Sharron and I were married in 1978 in the sanctuary of St. Paul Wesleyan Church and our daughters were dedicated to the Lord during a Sunday morning worship service at St. Paul Wesleyan in 1980.

Over the years I have served on staff at four churches; was a church planter; served as senior pastor at two churches: College Wesleyan Church in Marion, IN. and Strugis Wesleyan Church in Sturgis, MI. In 2001 I was honored to be elected as District Superintendent of the Kansas District of the Wesleyan Church. In 2007 I withdrew my name for consideration to continue as DS. With the birth of our first grand daughter and a clear leading of the Lord, Sharron and I decided to step out in faith and relocate to North Carolina to be near family and close friends.

In moving to North Carolina I prayed that God would clarify His call upon my life with a door of opportunity to continue serving in the Wesleyan Church. His providence and His plan God had another direction for me. I was just trying to hold on to the rope of faith! When no opportunity arose after presenting myself as available to the area district superintendents in the Wesleyan Church I took the initiative to introduce my self to Dr. Mark Barnes - District Superintendent of the North Carolina District of the Church of the Church of the Nazarene. God has opened a great door of opportunity as I now serve as Lead Pastor of North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene. I believe that God has prepared me for this task of refocusing this great church and leading her through the revitalization that is necessary for her future. God is stirring my "pastor's heart" as I seek His will in leading NRN.

Today I miss my Wesleyan connection. I think of the many friends across the years and places of ministry. Over the past 30 years most of my friendships have been forged with people in the Wesleyan Church - I have felt my denomination was like family. I miss being at General Conference to re-connect with those of my church family. My heart is filled with gratitude for over 30 years of ministry to the Wesleyan Church.

I am thankful for my time of service in the Wesleyan Church. As I look back, I have no regrets.

Sharron and I love the people of North Raleigh and we have felt very welcomed into the Church of the Nazarene. It is with excitement I have faith for the future! We are trusting the Lord with all our hearts seeking His wisdom and direction.

1 comment:

  1. Great service Sunday..thanks..just wanted to add to your thoughts..our daughter- in -law, Susan was not raised in a christian home...she acceped the Lord thru a Gideon visiting her class in Middle School..and our son Kevin who was raised in a christian home and going to church all his life strayed away in high school and college. He met Susan in the second year of college. She asked him to attend a meeting with her..that she was helping with and he, knowing from being raised in church, knew this always ment FREE food, decided to go...well he came back to serve The Lord and is now a Youth Minister winning souls to The those youth groups are very important and for that reason Gary and I are continually praying for that ministry..
    Happy Anniversary to you and Sharon..Julia Buzzard
