Monday, June 16, 2008

One Year of Blogging

On this date - just one year ago .... My daughter Stephanie helped me to establish my first blog.

As I reflect over the past year it has great to look back over the blog postings to see the faithfulness and blessings of the Lord.
I can't help but think - What is the purpose of a blog?

Here is a good definition from the American Heritage Dictionary:

(wěb'lôg', -lŏg') n. A website that displays in chronological order the postings by one or more individuals and usually has links to comments on specific postings.

Later I chose to call my blog - TRUSTWORTHY SAYINGS - and I posted this:

I think about the people who read this blog. People like you. Normal. Everyday. Coffee drinking/Diet Coke sipping kind of people who are just trying to deal with life. Maybe just trying to deal with the day. From the outside, some of us appear to be people who are whole. That is, we appear to have it together. Others of us appear to be struggling. Still others of us may appear to be a mess.

The truth? What you see on the outside can be deceiving. Regardless of the way we may appear on the outside, on the inside, we all are lacking. We have fears and inadequacies that many of us go to great lengths to mask. At the core of our being is a great need for God. Yet, we often try our best to make it on our own. So I want you to know that when I post (about four to five days a week), I am thinking about people just like you. In fact, I sometimes picture people just like you, turning on their computer and finding this blog.

You may be single.
You may be a young father or mother.
You may be a widow.
You may be a church leader.
You may not see yourself as very "religious."
You may feel very connected with some special people in your life.
You may feel very alone.

Regardless, we have much in common.What we have in common, however, may not be what you see on the outside. What we have in common is what is real and what may be lacking on the inside. Some days you might read this blog and come away encouraged or helped in some way. Some days--well, it just didn't do much for you. Regardless, I really pray that in some way God would bless you and provide just what you need. Please feel free to comment at any time.

I hope my blog is a source of laughter - inspiration - information and sharing God's Word as practical trustworthy sayings for our every day life. Thanks for your comments and words of encouragement.
Oh - I also love to "steal" from my daughter's blog - like this picture:

It was GREAT to have Josh - Stephanie - Danielle and Alyse to "surprise" me with a visit for Father's Day 2008. Holding Alyse is one of the greatest joys of my life. Hey - That's also a trustworthy saying.....

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