Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Worst Album Cover

Worst Album Cover

I saw I similar list on another blog, so I thought I would post some of the "worst record album covers," I found and have you vote for the #1 Worst Album Cover.

Please do not take offense - these are actual record album covers of Christan groups:

Number 1

Number 2

Number 3

Number 4

Number 5 And last but not least:I'm not exactly sure who Al David is - but I am sure he has sideburns and is wearing a white tie.

Well, there you have it, my top picks for Worst Album Cover.

To vote for #1 Worst Album Cover simply click on comment and place your vote and leave a few words as to what moved you to vote for this album cover.



  1. Wow, those are some classics. I hate to overlook all those bold fashion statements, but I'll have to cast my vote for "All My Friends Are Dead." That's a great title.

  2. I vote for #1 as the worst. Those clothes are terrible. However, I like the last one with Al Davis. I have a picture similar to that of a quartet I sang in during high school. We had striped shirts and white pants/skirts. I'll show it to you sometime.

  3. Well they all are pretty scary but the one with the ax in his hand gets my attention...would I want to go hear someone who might just be an "ax murder???" But then again...some of them might be my relatives....:+)

  4. That is pretty funny (and a little scary!)

    I can't decide.

    For the worst picture, I vote for the first one. It is bad because of the clothes and that one scary guys hair on the right. Plus if you look to the side behind him, you can see where the backdrop ends. Ha!

    "The All My Friends are Dead" has the worst title.

    The worst theme is the karate one. How does that fit in?

  5. I vote for number 1.

    It was only the third time I looked at it that I realized it wasn't one of those scenes that you just stick your face in the hole and have the picture taken.

    I'm serious. That is scary.

    My 2nd choice is for the guy who killed all his friends.
