Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Day two of the Hudgens' Family Vacation

Day two of the Hudgens' Vacation at North Topsail Island.

Last evening the family gathered for a delicious meal as me use the new grill at Dolphin View and prepared one of my favorite meals - steaks, potatoes, corn on the cob. This meal was also in honor of Josh as we celebrated his belated birthday.

The fatigue of the last several weeks began to show it's toll as I slept in on day two of our vacation. I am so refreshed already after coming to the ocean. To hear the waves crash , smell the salt air, pause and give thanks to God, and then turn too see my family together is awesome!

Following lunch we headed for the beach. Danielle, Stephanie, Josh and Alyse enjoyed it during the morning as the weather was beautiful. The clouds begin to darken and sprinkles began to fall so I came up to the house but the family remained at the beach. Thought this would be a perfect time to post. One BIG difference at the house this year is the ability to connect to the Internet.

If you want to see more pictures check out Stephanie's blog.

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