Friday, September 19, 2008

MY first visit to Friendship Cafe

Tonight began the 5th season of Friendship Cafe!

Friendship Cafe is a outreach program for teens and adults in our community with special needs. The Cafe is open on the third Friday of each month from September thru April (except December) in the Community Room at North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene. It's a night of entertainment, friendship and fun! We always need volunteers to chaperone, help set up and tear down or provide snacks or two-liter drinks. Please contact Bob and Sandy Floyd to if you'd like to help.

I was able to attend Friendship Cafe for the very first time this evening. It was fantastic! I enjoyed the "open mic" as individuals performed some of their favorite songs. The pizza and salad along with popcorn and dessert made for a great evening. I laughed out loud several times with the group as we cheered the accomplishments of the performers.

All eyes were on the "special guest" of the evening as the one and only "Sonny and Cher" presented a moving rendition of "I've got you babe". I feel it is my best interest not to reveal who was behind the outfits - but look long enough and you may figure it out:

It was quite moving when they concluded their song with a kiss....

I can tell you - my heart filled with encouragement as I departed the church thanking God for the privilege to pastor such a great church! This outreach to families with special needs is unique. The volunteer staff who came to give of their time and labor of love is a tribute of their love for the Lord. I appreciate Bob and Sandy Floyd - Bob Ulman - Marsha Cook - Kathy Muller and others. Seeing this ministry with my own eyes has given me a great appreciation for those who sacrifice for this service. This is truly faith in action.

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