Monday, September 15, 2008

Reflections from Sunday at NRN

If you missed last Sunday at NRN - WOW - You missed a great time! I want to express my appreciation to Karen DeSollar for teaching our "Spotlight" Connections Class on the history and doctrine of the Church of the Nazarene. As we prepare to celebrate the Centennial of the Church of the Nazarene - this is an excellent time to learn the answer to the question: "What is a Nazarene." It's not to late to get in on this excellent class - each Sunday in September in the Community Room beginning at 9:30am.

This past Sunday was Student Ministries Sunday at North Raleigh.

When our Family Pastor - Pastor Brittany Cottle - asked the students is any were interested in leading the worship- over a dozen students responded.

They selected the songs and did a great job in leading us in authentic worship!

We especially appreciated the trumpet solo from Sean Baker for the offertory:

Pastor Brittany shared an excellent message. The service closed with a time of prayer with the students at the altars and people taking prayer cards to remember our students in prayer throughout this school year. The closing challenge was simple: Plan to join Pastor Brittany as we See You At The Pole - at 7:00am on Wednesday September 24th around the flag pole at North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene. This is an opportunity to let our students know that we are praying for them. On Sunday evening our students participated in ONE. Be sure and check out this clip: ONE

Be sure and check out the 2nd picture and see the guy in the brown shirt...

Recently I preached a message at NRN entitled "GREAT EXPECTATIONS". The response has been amazing. (You can download the message notes and hear the message on our web site.) Due the high response of those desiring to go through a Focused Living Retreat we are revising our schedule and planning to add another FLR in the near future. Our goal is that we will not leave anyone behind in our refocus process. The last FLR was one of the most meaningful retreats I have led. The Holy Spirit met with us in a tremendous way as we reached a point of surrender to God. Contact the church office if you are intrested in attend the next FLR.

This coming Friday [ Sept. 19th] we will begin this season of FRIENDSHIP CAFE at NRN.

Friendship Cafe is a outreach program for teens and adults in our community with special needs. The Cafe is open on the third Friday of each month from September thru April (except December) in the Community Room at North Raleigh Church of the Nazarene. It's a night of entertainment, friendship and fun! This is our fourth year and our ministry is growing! We always need volunteers to chaperone, help set up and tear down or provide snacks or two-liter drinks. Please contact Bob and Sandy Floyd to if you'd like to help

This ministry is meeting in our Community Room this Friday night at 7:00 p.m.

It’s “Open Mic Night.”

These are exciting days for us a NRN! I look forward to being back in the pulpit (that means I'm going to preach this coming Sunday!) after several Sundays of special emphasis and guest.

More about that later this week.


  1. found your blog thru google alert......plese tell my good friend karen desollar for sally and i....thnx...budreedy

  2. plese tell her hello.....that's what i really wanted to say...bud
