Friday, November 21, 2008

Big Man stories

I took my cell phone and scrolled down the list of recent calls. Then I pressed the send button and heard the phone ringing. My younger brother Vic answered the call on the second ring. I said hello and asked "Where are you?" He replied "In my room." He quickly came downstairs from his room at a local hotel and the reunion took place.

It was great to see my younger brother. Vic has recently accepted a position with Haverty's Furniture Store and was here in Raleigh for training. He wanted a quick tour of the church, so we made our way to North Raleigh and I took him around the building. He paused a long time in looking over the "ego wall" in my office. Then we made our way home. Sharron had prepared a delicious meal. We reclined in the family room in discussion as Vic shared several of his "Big Man" stories. We laughed quite a bit. It was an answer to prayer to have such a great connection with my brother.

As Vic entertained us with his stories, he would stop in mid sentence and ask me "Rick, don't you feel like you're looking in a mirror?" It was evident to me that we have more in common than even appearance. This was Vic's first visit to our home. I hope it is the first of many too come. He deeply loves his wife and two sons. He has a great family!

It is my desire to connect with Vic and if the door opens to re-connect with my other brother Chuck in the days ahead. It has been a sorrow in my life that my brothers and I have been so disengaged over the years. I do believe that one reason God may have drawn us back to North Carolina is to possibly reunite me and my brothers and their families. Sometimes doing "family" is difficult - but I think it may be worth it.

Later this evening I plan to conduct a Concert of Prayer at the church. The time begins at 6:30pm and last about an hour. I invited a person to join me this evening and they asked about - what is a concert of prayer? Here is a portion of a short teaching I plan to share this evening:
Concerts of Prayer have historical precedent in the great prayer movements that have preceded other spiritual awakenings. In some ways, the movement can be expressed on four key levels:

Closet - Personal praying for spiritual awakening and world evangelization.

Cluster - Small groups praying within the church. Like "See you at the Pole" a few months ago

Congregation - Times when the whole congregation unites to pray for intersession and revival. Like our prayer vigil in March 2008.

Concert - Christians gathering from various back-grounds to pray for revival, and church revitalization, whatever size the group. We will lift our voices in praise and prayer to the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. God is still in the miracle business! I know you will remember that was one of Larry's favorite expressions - and it is so true. I cried when I saw the picture of you and Vic. I have a similar story to share with you soon - a recent reconnection to the Staley family. As we continue to pray, God continues to work in the hearts of many! Love to you & Sharron, Joyce
