Monday, December 15, 2008

Christmas Story Quiz

Christmas Story Quiz

Here is a little quiz to test your knowledge about the Christmas Story. Take a few minutes and test your memory. Answer the following questions without opening your Bible.

1. Jesus was born
a. at night
b. in the morning
c. at an unknown time

2. Jesus was born
a. in a stable
b. in a manger
c. at an unknown place

3. The shepherds found Jesus
a. in a stable
b. in a feed bin
c. in a house

4. The Magi found Jesus
a. in a stable
b. in a feed bin
c. in a house

5. Angels
a. sang a beautiful song
b. terrified farm workers
c. told the wise men to go home another way

6. A star
a. appeared on the night of Jesus' birth
b. guided shepherds to the manger
c. led the Magi westward

7. The animals mentioned at the manger included
a. oxen, donkey, sheep, cows, doves
b. pigs, lobsters, shrimp
c. none of the above

8. The weather at the birth of Jesus was
a. not mentioned
b. moderate to warm
c. snowy

9. When the shepherds arrived, Jesus was
a. asleep on the hay
b. wrapped like a mummy
c. not crying

10. The posture of the shepherds when the angel appeared was
a. seated on the ground
b. lying in the fields
c. not mentioned

Click here for the answers to the quiz.

How did you score?