Friday, January 23, 2009

God never breaks His Word

Is it really true that I am going to preach about tithing
when our economy is so unstable?

Here is an excerpt of a booklet in my files:

What is a tithe? The word “tithe” is simply old English word meaning “tenth.” It refers to the giving of a “tenth” of one’s income to God or for other charitable purposes. And Almighty God directs that this tenth be given to Him—to His true ministers to do His Work—not just to be handed out anywhere.

The law of tithing simply means that the Great God who made us—who gave us our life, our talents, our minds, the strength with which we work and the very land and materials which we employ in our work—requires us to pay Him the first tenth of our increase or income.

As far as the direct matter of tithing is concerned, God does not consider that we are “giving” anything—but are paying our Creator a very nominal amount that He requires as our Maker, our Sustainer, our Landlord, our Protector and our God!

Nevertheless, the Almighty promises: “Honor the LORD with your possessions, and with the firstfruits of all your increase; so your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will overflow with new wine” (Proverbs 3:9–10).

Yes, if you are faithful in obeying God and paying Him the first tenth—or “tithe”—of your income—He will bless your life in many physical and material ways. He has promised—and God never breaks His Word!

Here's another example via video - enjoy!

Anybody need a bailout?

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