Thursday, January 29, 2009

Love the Lord Your God

Last evening at NRN we conducted our first Membership Orientation class for the new year. This was the largest attendance yet for this class. As I shared the doctrine of the Church of the Nazarene I presented a short teaching on salvation. At the close of this portion of teaching I asked for everyone to bow their heads and close their eyes to prayerfully consider the words I had said. I then gave an invitation to receive Christ as Savior and Lord. Several people made decisions. We will be planning a baptism service soon to baptize at leas 6 people who have recently received Christ!

As we reviewed the applications for membership I was great moved when I read the response on one application to the questions: Have you accepted Christ as your Savior? If so when? One applicant answered: Yes - January 28, 2009!

Last Sunday at NRN we introduced a new song as part of our worship experience. We are going to sing it again this coming Sunday. Here is it with words in order for you to begin now to prepare yourself to be in the Lord's presence this coming Sunday. Plan NOW to be at church this Sunday.

Love the Lord your God - by Lincoln Brewster.

These are trustworthy sayings...

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