Friday, March 13, 2009


I returned home from my pilgrimage to Israel early last Tuesday morning. I am finally over the jet lag - reading over 350 emails - going through my mail and messages at the church - and now back on track! As I was at the church on Wednesday evening and for a few minutes this evening I am so encouraged by the greetings from so many people to welcome me back.

Here are just a few of the many highlights of my trip:

This is the North Carolina contingent that I had the privilege to lead to Israel. We joined with Dr. Wilbur Williams and others from several other churches. Our group totaled 53, which was a great size for our bus.

We arrived in Tel Aviv on Sunday afternoon. We followed the schedule I posted earlier when our trip to Israel began

I enjoyed watching several in our group float in the Dead Sea. Mike Stoupe kept his feet pointed in the right direction!

It was a very peaceful trip across the Sea of Galilee. My mind was flowed with memories of the first time I rode a ship across the Sea of Galilee. I had just resigned my position as Senior Pastor At College Wesleyan Church in Marion Indiana and seeking God's will as to where the future would lead me and my family. On this clear day of sailing God spoke to my heart with clarity about where I was to serve Him. On this trip in 2009 I rededicated my self to be obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit to His plan for my ministry and my life. As I ended my prayer - I noticed "dancing" in the aisle. Ask Rose Thomas about this!

The baptism service in the waters of the Jordan River was a great experience. Dr. Williams and a good friend, Pastor Steve Wilson assisted my in baptising Mike, Dawn and Terri Stroupe as a family - at one time! This was a service of re-dedication for them. I have brought water back from the Jordan River to place in our baptistery at NRN for our next baptism scheduled for April 19th.

It was a breath taking view as we stood upon the Mt. of Olives and looked over the city of Jerusalem. The Dome of the Rock is always a centerpiece of this view.

It was fun to look behind me and see this:

Raynita Kivett seized the moment for a camel ride ...

Rose Thomas did not want to be left behind - Roger stood close by....

Bea Thomas and Dawn Stroupe joined the group.

Later in the week - I took my ride and had a fun time.

Our trip to Israel is too exciting to share in one blog posting.

I'll continue my posting tomorrow...


  1. Pastor Rick,

    I can only imagine what it is like to be there. It is breathtaking to see Mike floating in the Dead Sea and the Stroupe family getting baptized. What a blessing and a wonderful experience. Glad you all made it back safe.


  2. Your camel pic is very cute
