Saturday, May 23, 2009

Pumped to preach

This evening I went to the church for my time of prayer. As I drove in front of the church I noticed the new flowers in front of the main doors.

Thanks to Phil and Joanie Richards for spending this morning planting these flowers. They are in honor of celebrating their 26th wedding anniversary!

Several people have shared with me that they expect a below average attendance at church tomorrow. I am praying and believing that who is suppose to be there - will be there. God has placed a message in my heart that I am pretty pumped to preach. Usually I say the more people there are - the better I preach - but I already feel an anointing of God upon my message and plan to go to church tomorrow expecting to experience God in a mighty way.

Though several members of the worship team will be away - I look forward to raising my voice on the first song tomorrow - here is my preparation clip:

And in preparation for our time of prayer we will sing a very familiar and favorite hymn. Listen and also read the ways God uses His grace upon a broken people and a broken world.

Following this song - we will pause for a moment of silence on the Sunday before Memorial Day to pay tribute to those who have given their life for our freedom to worship. I have been stuck by the simple saying this year - That all gave some - but some gave all.

If you wish to take 1:00 minute in silence - here is a simple guide similar to the one that we are using:

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