Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Magical Evening

It was wonderful to have my grand daughter visit for the weekend. Sunday morning we took a short walk before getting into the car to ride to church. She had a fun time at NRN. I was moved by the presence of God during our worship experience. It sensed the clear anointing of God as I spoke. There were several people gathered around the altars in prayer as the our time came to a close. I believe some lives were changed as we encountered God this past Sunday

Sunday evening was a "magical" night as we featured our 5th Sunday Family Event with special guest Bryan Swaringen, an award winning entertainer from Charlotte, NC. The community room was filled to overflowing. A member of the pastoral staff commented to me that it is time we move to the worship center for this event next time. It was great to hear the laughter throughout the evening. I believe everyone who attended had a great time!

We took a few moments to honor Bailie and Glady for reading the complete collection of missionary books in our children's missions club.

We then enjoyed a meal together as Bryan walked around performing magic or as one person said "trickery of hand" at some of the tables as people began to hear the laughter building in the room.

Then Bryan came to the stage and presented an awesome performance the made people laugh - applaud - and even a few ohhhhhhs ...

I believe that James and Janice are still wondering what happened to their watches...

Those who were there will remember the torn dollar bill - the floating table - the newspaper. For me the best comment of the evening came when Bryan began to make it snow in the community room. Children were amazed - adults were delighted - applause broke out ...

... and four year old Grace (who has recently moved to NC from Michagan) turned to her dad and said " That's not real snow."

Bryan responded to an email from me following the evening and here is the comment he said about NRN -

Thanks so much Rick. I had a wonderful time and I loved watching the video of my performance when I got home and just listen to how great the crowd was. I even told the lady at the bank today about the show last night and I told her that the people would've had fun even if I had read the phone book to them. It was a great crowd and I would love to have to face them again. Thank you so much for letting me come to your church. God Bless, ~Bryan

What did YOU think of the presentation Sunday evening? I would appreciate your comments:

1 comment:

  1. I'm still amazed at what Bryan did. The dollar bill under Lisa's chair was the best trick.
