Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Thoughts about Father's Day

Last Sunday we took a few moments to honor men in our church for Father's Day. This year my wife was at the home of my daughter Stephanie and Josh. She was able to spend some time with them - have time with Alyse and spent the afternoon with our daughter Danielle as they went to a Broadway show.

As I awoke on Sunday I admit, I was a little lonely. I had thoughts of my dad who passed away in 1984. I wish there had been more time to spend with my dad. There are so many questions I would like to ask. Yes - I sensed a time of sorrow as I prepared for Sunday morning.

Sunday turned out to be a great day. As I took my cell phone following church I read a text message from Danielle that brought tears to my eyes as she wished me a happy Father's Day!
On Monday I met Sharron, Stephanie and Alyse in Lexington NC to bring Sharron home.

Alyse is feeling much better following her sickness over the weekend. She even felt at home at the Cracker Barrel to challenge Sharron to checkers...

I think she does quite well ...

Stephanie gave me a Father's Day card from her and Josh. Later, in a quiet moment I read the words which touched my heart:

Thanks for being a Great Dad

It's your heart for God that guides your steps and leaves a path of wisdom to follow.

Your encouragement and example are valuable gifts, but your love is the greatest inspiration - steady, strong, and willing to express itself generous, whether it be in a word of advice or a helping hand.

You might not hear "thank you" and "I love you" as often as they come to mind, but you are appreciated and loved deeply today and always.

Happy Father's Day WITH LOVE

"He who pursues righteousness and love finds life, prosperity and honor."

Proverbs 21:21 NIV

WOW! I feel so unworthy of such kind words - but they are a challenge I accept to live up to, with the help of the Lord. May my life be found trustworthy....

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