Saturday, September 5, 2009

Reflection of vacation - preparing Sunday

Now I am back home from the annual Hudgens' Family Vacation
to North Topsail Beach, NC.

Here are some of my reflections in pictures:

Our third year at Dolphin's View - Just a few paces from the beach.

Thanks to our friend Pam for her hospitality.

It is always so special to be with our daughters - Danielle and Stephanie. Sharron and I prayed for them even before they were born and have prayed for them each and every day of their lives.
Stephanie is married to Joshua - our son-in-law. We have many memories since the time they started dating in high school until now. We are excited about the future plans for their life.

And of course - Josh and Stephanie are parents of Alyse - our first grand child. A great part coming home from vacation is that Alyse came to Raleigh with us. As I type this post I can hear the giggles coming from the other room as Alyse is playing before getting ready for bed time. It is always special to have her visit and stay over for Sunday to come to church with us.

You can check out other pictures of our vacation on Stephanie's blog. It is well worth the visit.

As I prepare for Sunday at NRN I look forward to beginning a new series of messages from the book of Philippians We are inviting people to join us for the Philippians Challenge - which is to read the book of Philippians every day during the month of Septemebr 2009. This Sunday we begin in the first chapter.

Here are some of the songs we will share together in worship:

There is JOY in the Lord:

Our God Saves

You Are My King

A 2008 song by Chris Tomlin - Jesus Messiah

Before the message - I will extend the invitation to come forward to receive the elements of Communion:

Jesus said that every time we break bread, every time we drink from the cup, we are remembering his broken body and shed blood. We give thanks for the forgiveness of sins and for God’s amazing grace upon us. We come to the Table of the Lord once again to embrace God’s redeeming love expressed through Jesus Christ.

Will you be in church this Sunday?

Don't miss it!

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