Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A soothing effect

Over the last two days there has been quite a bit of rain falling in the Raleigh area. It was sorta weird that I have heard a number of people comment how the rain settles their spirit; how rain brings about a sense of meditation and reflection; how rain has such a soothing effect.

I don't know what the weather is like where you are right now. I thought you would enjoy a pause and listen to this unique and fun presentation by a choir. I find it amazing when people submit to the leadership of a quality leader and everyone does their part. Be still - and listen - and see if you agree:

This fun YouTube video features a 1980s pop classic. The rock band Toto scored their biggest hit with Africa in 1982. The song is instantly recognizable. But it has been reinvented.
Perpetuum Jazzile is an a cappella jazz choir from Slovenia. It’s hard to think of something further from an ‘80s rock band. But their version of Africa may best the original. The group has amazing voices.

But the beginning of this video is really striking. Group members simulate an African thunderstorm with their hands. It’s really something to see and hear.

Hope you enjoyed this simple clip.

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