Monday, October 12, 2009

The Stool

Yesterday was an awesome day at NRN as we gathered for this year's BIG TOP event!

A special note of appreciation goes to Rodney and Pam Rhoads for all the hard work to prepare the side items for the meal. They had a lot of help – everything from peeling potatoes to preparing the visitor packets for first time guest.

It was exciting to welcome 10 families who were first time or return guest from the past two weeks. It was also a highlight yesterday as we welcomed 12 people into membership
A special appreciation goes to Elvin Barwick who made all the arrangements for the pig roast. Elvin with his crew of Phil Richards, Lance Irwin and Jay Baker began their task before 3:00am and provided a delicious barbecue meal for us.

I also want to mention the hard work of Lance Irwin, Michael Henk, Jay Baker and Pastor Jordan for setting up the tables and chairs in the worship center. They worked along with Sandy Floyd on the table cloths and center pieces. It was a great addition to make BIG TOP such a special day for us all. Thanks also to Karen DeSollar and the Christian Ministry Team of Rodney Rhodes, Tom Alsbury and James Cook for their leadership and hard work on this event. Thanks to Pastor Ryan and the worship team and to Brad Pope and the puppet team.

As people entered the Worship Center the Praise Band was playing and the presence of the Lord fell upon us.

It was my privilege to bring a message about our mission statement at NRN: We are calling people to a wholehearted relationship with Jesus Christ. What does it mean to be wholehearted?

God longs for a personal relationship with you. He has made it clear throughout His word:

If you seek the LORD your God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and with all your soul." Deuteronomy 4:29, NIV.

"You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart."
Jeremiah 29:13, NIV.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;
Proverbs 3:5

I showed the following clip yesterday to summarize my message.
I stated that Jesus is Lord of ALL - or- He is not Lord AT ALL.
Here is an example: THE STOOL

Since the fall of man, we have been in a power struggle with God over control. We surrender to God's will, but when His reality interferes with our daily lives, we jump right back in the driver’s seat....

What decision have you made regarding
your relationship with Jesus Christ?

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