Monday, January 18, 2010

God is big enough to guide my life

Well - It's Monday and I realize another week has gone by without a new posting. I want to post more. I even plan to post more. It just seems like life is full right now. But - here I go:

In my last posting I placed a clip about predictions for the Super Bowl. Now the weekend football games are completed and - you guessed it - the predictions for the Super Bowl are now null and void. The purpose of this posting is to help us realize that we never "really" know what is going to happen in the days ahead.

Each week we print an "order of worship" for the usher staff; sound and media personnel and members of the worship team. On the top of each order - just under the date - are the words "We make our plans, but God has the last word..." We are always open to the leading of God's Spirit in our worship experience. We should also live each day - open to the leading of God's Spirit speaking to us. Thus the question: How can I know God's will? - Glad you asked.

Yesterday - I continued in the teaching series: HOW BIG IS GOD?

The message was titled- BIG ENOUGH TO GUIDE MY LIFE!

Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. Ephesians 5.17

Here is a clip for more understanding about the message:

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