Zeke has been our family dog since 1997. It was very apparent that he was suffering from age and possible disease. Sharron and Stephanie took him to our trusted friend and great veterinarian - Dr. Page Wages. The report following extensive testing was heart breaking. Zeke was diagnosed with cancer throughout his body and several infected areas. The difficult decision was made that it was time to place Zeke into his final sleep.
Immediately tears swelled in my eyes. Zeke has been a loved member of our family since our girls were in high school. He was rescued by Sharron when he was only a few days old. He was so small I could hold him in my hand. Here is an early picture of Zeke as he slept in the window sill at the house of a friend, Jana Blankers [now Ward] in Marion, Indiana.

Stephanie and Alyse took time to say their farewells to Zeke before they departed back to Charlotte. You can read Stephanie's tribute to Zeke and see her pictures on her BLOG. We knew it would be difficult for Danielle to say goodbye. She drove from Charlotte on Saturday afternoon and said her farewell to Zeke on Sunday morning before we departed for church.
Sharron contacted Dr. Wages following church yesterday and she was in the office due to another call and invited us to come over. It was with such a gentle spirit and professionalism that Dr. Wage injected Zeke with a simple shot and Zeke simply closed his eyes and went to sleep forever. Sharron cried and wiped away the tears. I wept on the inside and silently thanked God for bringing Zeke into our lives.

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