The Power of the Cross Reveals
the Glory of God’s Love in Christ
Jesus’ Love for His Enemies
the Glory of God’s Love in Christ
Jesus’ Love for His Enemies
Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” Luke 23:34
Some have counted Jesus’ seven “last words,” spoken from his cross, among his greatest miracles. In many ways, the last things our Lord said reveal his glory in an even deeper way than do all his miracles combined. What makes these profound statements all the more remarkable is that he spoke them while dying such a tortured death. When you or I get a headache or a toothache, we tend to become absorbed in our own pain. Yet Jesus remained preoccupied with those around him.
First of all, Jesus prayed for those who had pounded the nails into his flesh. What love! Our Lord offered it unconditionally, without strings attached. They did not ask for his forgiveness. They did not apologize first. He simply offered his pardon as a gift. Here we see and hear the power of the cross.
That same power flows through us when we forgive those who hurt us, when we release them to God’s care. We do not base our pardon on their owning up to what they have done or on their apologies. We do not base it even on their knowing how they have hurt us. Rather, forgiveness is a gift freely offered.
Forgiving someone does not require that we immediately trust them again. It does not mean excusing what they have done or minimizing it. It does not even mean that we forget. It does mean that we stop rolling the hurt over and over in our minds. It does mean asking Jesus to govern the words we speak to that person and about that person. It does mean acting in helpful, self-forgiving ways toward our former enemy.
Forgiving is not easy. How can we do it? We cannot. Forgiveness is not ours to own or give. Only God can forgive. By the power of his cross Jesus makes it possible for us to say, “I forgive you,” even when it flies in the face of all reason and every emotion.
I forgive you. It’s hard to say these words, but when we do, they set us free. Free from past hurt. Free to allow Christ’s love to flow through us. Free to be channels of his grace.
Jesus gives us the power to do what we could never do on our own. How will you use this power today?
Prayer Starter
Lord, it is so hard.
It feels impossible! On my own,
I cannot forgive, but I offer
myself to you and ask that
your forgiveness will flow
through me right now to ….
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