Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Moved by the posting on her blog

Today Sharron and I are in Charlotte with our daughter Stephanie and her family. We are waiting with great anticipation for the arrival of baby Breeley. It is such a time of refreshment as I hear the laughter from Alyse as we play.

We enjoyed a fun meal and Josh was at work to make the last preparations in Breeley's room. I anticipate that soon Stephanie will blog - but at this time I am on line with her computer in the family room. I took a few moments tonight to go to her blog - which I love to read. Stephanie is an excellent writer and so creative in her blog. Of course, I always love her pictures. When I went to her blog this evening I was moved by her posting. You may want to pause and go to her blog as see for yourself.

I was so moved by the words - and then the song - I could not help but comment on it and provide a version of the song with words as it will minister to your soul.

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