This past Sunday at NRN I continued the teaching series from the book of Jonah. We drew truths from chapter four about how God is more concerned for the lost than we are. At the close of the message - God spoke to my heart to ask if God had placed anyone in your thoughts that you should invite to church. I was amazed at the number of hands raised to indicate that God was speaking.
Consider the importance of inviting someone to church.
I closed the message with these words:
Can you imagine what would happen if we as a church came together and said: “God, I am not going to run anymore, but I am going to Nineveh. I don’t care what it costs me. I don’t care how bad it hurts.
I’m going to do what You have called me to do and go to Nineveh.
I am going to invite my neighbor over for dinner. I am going to build a relationship with them. I am going to extend somebody grace that doesn’t deserve it. God I am committed to go to Nineveh!”
Can you imagine the lives that would be changed?
Life is not about us and life is short.
Let’s not forget that God’s concern is much greater than our concerns!
Let’s make God’s concern our concern!
May we let God reign completely in our lives!
Who are you inviting to church this Sunday?
If the people at Rocky River Church can invite people -
Shouldn't we at NRN invite people to our church?
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