Saturday, August 7, 2010

Laughter and giggles abound

Today is filled with laughter and giggles as Alyse and Breeley are at our home in Raleigh for a short weekend. Last evening my mind flooded with memories as Sharron and I sat on the bed and played with Breeley. She is just beginning to giggle and her smiles brighten the room.

Big sister Alyse was perfect last evening. It was awesome to sit on her bed and tell a short Bible story and then pray in her ear. When I kissed her on the check it was a moment of Déjà vu as it felt like times past when her mom was Alyse's age.

Today we head to the book store to pick up the new Veggie Tales movie I purchased in pre-release.

Alyse loves the veggie tale movies and we love the lesson behind each story. This movie is based on Samuel 16:7 "For the Lord sees not as man sees - man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."

Tomorrow at church we "roll out" the new children's ministry check in system.

I am so happy with the excellent development in our children's ministry at NRN. Over the past few weeks we have relocated the area for children's church to a larger room. We have maintained the theme of VBS and each week the children are greeted with the "big boat", all the signs, music playing and excitement. It is great to hear the children signing the songs the learned at VBS and using the hand movements with vigor. Special appreciation goes to the dedicated workers of this ministry. Brad Pope takes the lead with several adults to make sure this ministry is exciting and fun for the 50+ children there each week.

It is great to see the newly developed Sunday School with my wife Sharron teaching the kindergarten class, Polly Barwick teaching the first and second graders and Lisa Mayfield teaching the third, fourth and fifth graders.

The addition to Kids Check is going to enhance our ministry even more.

Tomorrow I continue in my teaching series of some of the red letter words of Jesus in the Bible.

I have on good authority that we are planning to begin our worship experience tomorrow with a great hymn of the church:

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