Thursday, August 26, 2010

Reflections from last Sunday

Several people have shared comments on Facebook about the message last Sunday at church. Here are thoughts from a blog about the truths we discovered:

As I read some of my past blog posts, I noticed that most have a positive spin to them. Many of them talk about good things in my life – friendships, family, etc – and how we should be better persons. I know we can be better in everything we do and because of that, I want to share with others life experiences and thoughts on how we can be better. Now, as I think more about my messages, I do not want to be “cheesy” or give people the impression that I think life is easy and “happy happy joy joy” because I know for a fact that it is not. As I mentioned in one my previous blogs, I have had difficult experiences myself and know life can throw us a lot of curve balls and confront us with a lot of tests and trials at unexpected times. Now, what is different about my blog and how I approach things in my life? What is the reason for my “positive spins” and my “happy happy joy joy” attitude in life? Well, the reason is simply one and it is that my trust is in God. My abandon of everything to Him is because I know He has a master plan and things will work according to His plan. So why fear? Why get anxious? Why tremble when I know my life is in His hands and things will work for the best according to His plan?

I know this can be a difficult concept for many to grasp as many may not have the Faith that I have. Nevertheless I will still go ahead and ask – do you trust in Him as you should? Today’s message at church was about Trust and what does it really mean and due to that many scriptures that referenced Truth in the Bible were mentioned during the message. Among them there were a few that caught my attention but this was one of the key verses that I liked: “It is better to trust in the Lord than to put confidence in man” Psalms 118:8.

How true this is! I can abandon myself in the Lord as he has my best interest in hand and although life may seem difficult at many times, He knows what is best for me. It is difficult to explain to others how can I trust in someone who I have not seen but for me to understand this is easy as I know He is real – I have experienced his amazing Love.

As P. Rick said today, human efforts do little in the long run and we can not strive in our own. Now, this does not mean that I don’t think some effort from our part is needed. God is not a genie and will not give us everything we want. We also have to be proactive and work for things. But put all of your fears, your successes, and your life in his hands and things will unfold as He wants them for us. Trust in Him and go along for the ride. Life may not be easy, but in His hands, we will be more than ok.

Thanks Wilma.

If you would like to hear the message from last Sunday in the teaching series about the Red Letter Words of Jesus - Just click HERE. It takes a few moments to download - but I hope you will be blessed. I truly felt the anointing of the Lord as
I preached.

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