Friday, September 24, 2010

Stress melting away

Sharron and I were able to escape to enjoy our annual family vacation this year. Danielle and her family were unable to join us. We did enjoy our time with Stephanie, Josh, Alyse and Breeley.

As Sharron and I drove out of town on Saturday September 11th we commented on how we felt the "stress melting away".
It was with great anticipation that we headed to the North Carolina beach this year.

We were able to secure our favorite beach house again this year. Dolphin View is a fantastic place to stay and always lives up to it's name. Again this year I saw the dolphins dancing in the water of the Atlantic Ocean. The home owner - Pam - is great to work with and the house meets our needs for vacation.

This year Sharron spent more time in the water than ever before. The weather was unbelievable with record high temperature. We were on the beach almost every day.

I enjoyed spending my time bonding with my newest grand daughter Breeley. She is now four months old and each day of our vacation was filled with fascination as she is growing the developing. By the end of the week it was clear that she loves her "Papa" and is very attached to her thumb.

It was awesome to see how Alyse is growing up. She was just a few months old on our first family vacation to Topsail - now she is flying through the air with complete trust of her father's care.

Alyse meets all the expectations of a three year old. She was visiting us recently and when Sharron had to disciple her for poor behavior, she calmly responded to Sharron that "she wanted to be good, but it was so hard." Though times through the day brought words of correction to Alyse - she always touched my heart with a good night kiss and a hug. Oh how often I am so glad that God led Sharron and me back to North Carolina. I am pretty excited about being a part of the lives of all my grand children. I am especially amazed as Alyse is growing up before my very eyes.

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