Monday, February 21, 2011

Happy President's Day 2011

Today was a quiet day at the office with the YMCA off for President's Day. I took a short break and went to the web site of the Huffington Post. I enjoyed the President's Day postings on their site:

The first one I enjoyed was the newly revised Hall of Presidents at Disney World

Then I really enjoyed this article:

Happy Presidents Day! If you're like us, you'd rather spend today remembering our former commanders-in-chief for the ridiculous things they did rather than the groundbreaking things they did. Take FDR for example: sure, he made some phenomenal changes to our nation, but did you know he also had a movie credit? Or take Abraham Lincoln and JFK: should we remember them for ending slavery or inspiring a generation? Or should we honor them for winning a wrestling match and getting into Harvard despite a shoddy application, respectively?

With all those fascinating tidbits out there, we just had to update our slide show from last year to tell you everything you didn't know about U.S. presidents' quirks, pets, hobbies, vices and more. Click to enjoy the show!

Presidents Day 2011: 22 Ridiculous Things You Didn't Know About U.S. Presidents

Vote for the most ridiculous fact!

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