Monday, February 14, 2011

How a birthday is like a banana

Yesterday - February 13, 2011 - was a special day for me as I celebrated the anniversary of my birth. I was so special to have my grand daughters Alyse and Breeley visiting us. I was overjoyed by the amazing number of comments on my Facebook page with well wishes for my birthday. Thanks to Dr. Parker for bringing our announcement time at church to a halt to announce my birthday and hear everyone sing to me. WOW it was so moving. I was speechless for a few moments. Here are some of my reflections from the last few days:

I loved spending time with Breeley. Each night I sat in a rocking chair as I fed her a bottle and held her in my arms until she fell asleep. These are times we hold dear. She brings a big smile to my face.

It was such a double blessing to have Alyse and Breeley visiting us.

We surprised the girls on Saturday morning by taking them to the circus at the RBC Center in Raleigh.

Pictures usually tells a thousand words but no pictures could catch the excitement and fun we experienced with the girls.

At one point I caught this picture of "grammy" and Breeley watching the show very intentionally:

And Alyse said her favorite part was the elephants and the beautiful ladies.

When I arrived at my office at the church on Sunday morning, there was an envelope with a card inside. I think it summarizes how I feel about this birthday:

So I leave you with this closing question:

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