Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Rick is taking the 90 Day Challenge

I have a BIG confession. Over the Christmas holiday I was amazed how I slowly began to gain weight. As the year came to a close I faced the realization that I now reached the highest weight of my life. It was a surprise since I was practicing moderation and trying (with no success) to take better care of myself. Also, during this same time, I was encouraging a person at my church that was on a path of losing weight. I was so happy for her. I knew it was time to do something. I am not big on New Year Resolutions - but I made a promise to myself that I would give more attention to my diet and begin a minimal exercise program. The exercise program lasted about 3 days - then I decided to simply walk more.

I write this post today - weighing the less that I have weighed in over 10 years. In an attempt to continue a safe program, I made a decision to give up sweet tea during the Lenten season - with the hope it may change a lifestyle. Over the past few weeks I have wondered if I could lose more weight in a healthy way. Several of my Facebook friends have take an interesting 90 day challenge for weight loss. I became curious and began to check it out. Then - a close a trusted friend emailed me about the challenge. Now I became very interested. Here is the heart of the challenge:

Sharron and I have maintained a commitment we made early in our ministry - that we would NEVER try to take advantage of friends and members of our church family by selling a product like Tupperware - Avon - Amway - or similar products. We are keeping that commitment. I never want to "pressure" a friend to purchase something. Sharron is still out of town and I decided I am ready to begin the 90 challenge.

I am hosting a time to taste the Body by Vi Shakes to check it out for myself and see which flavors I want to begin the challenge with. The Taste Time is at my home this Saturday - March 10th at 10:00am. This is a FREE Taste. If you would like more information - simple contact me - but you are invited to join me at my home for this Body by Vi Taste Test.

Here is a video explaining The Body by Vi Challenge. Sophia Vega, a five year old girl, explains how easy it is to lose weight with The Body by Vi Challenge. Remember, I do not plan to sell the product - but want to share about it with my friends:

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