Saturday, April 7, 2012

Devotions for Lent - Saturday of Passion Week - The Day Between

The Day Between

by Ruth Bell Graham

(Saturday between Good Friday and Easter)

That was the Day Between the Night Before—
The blood

still wet

upon the hill;

His body



and still;

the great stone sealed

with Roman seal

and guarded well.

Many a Judean home

had now


a lesser tomb

within whose walls

men lay,

whose Life

had died

That Day.

Looking back

we cannot share

their blackdespair.'

For us

He is the risen Christ,

as He had said:

for them,

that Shabbat,

all life died—

for He

was dead.
* * *
That was the Day Between the Night Before—
* * *
This is my Day Between,

my Night Before …


in this interim

—let me be still

let me adore,

let me remember


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