Thursday, August 2, 2012

A Happy Anniversary Wish

A HAPPY ANNIVERSARY wish to our daughter Stephanie and our son-in-law Josh.   August 2, 2003 was one of the happiest days Sharron and I have have ever experienced.   It was my privilege to walk my daughter down the isle and then stand beside Pastor Brian Trump as he pronounced Josh and Stephanie husband and wife

As I look at this picture taken on their wedding day my eyes tear as I remember the blessings from that day.  Since Stephanie was a small child Sharron and I would pray in her ear each evening as we tucked her in for bed.  We would always pray for her future husband.  Tonight at bed time, as I spend a few minutes with their 5 year old daughter Alyse I will repeat this prayer in the ear of my grand daughter.

I want to express my love to Josh and Stephanie and wish them a happy wedding anniversary!

You can read more about their life together on her outstanding blog

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