Saturday, January 5, 2013

Preparing for worship on January 6th

As I prepare for church tomorrow at NRN I am very "pumped" about the message God has given to me.  The core idea is from a pastor friend who has not only given me permission to use the idea but also the graphic logo and the roll in clip.

 I have thought much about the progression of the truth of this message across the years.  Charles Sheldon wrote the book "in His Steps" where he asked the question: "What would Jesus do?"  A friend of mine serving as a youth pastor in Michigan used that idea to create a bracelet which gained world wide exposure with the simple initials WWJD.  To be continued below...

Our worship set consist of the following:

We prepare for our first communion of 2013 by singing:

Following our communion and prayer we will sing together:

Then, following the roll in clip, I will begin my message:

Yes, you read that correctly. DON'T PUT JESUS FIRST THIS YEAR.
Before you label me a heretic, come and hear the message in person at NRN tomorrow morning at 10:45am.  Also - I have a free gift for every person in attendance.  

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