Saturday, February 23, 2013

Preparing for Worship on Sunday February 24 at NRN

Tomorrow at NRN I will bring the current teaching series to a close with a message about Elijah and the Widow at Zarephath.  On Sunday morning I will post a response to my message.  Later in the week you can hear the message on the church website.

Here is the worship set we have prepared for Sunday February 24, 2013:

“Fear, Faith and Obedience”

1 Kings 17:7-24


Hebrews 11:6 says, “Without faith, it is impossible to please God.” God expects us to take risks, but that doesn’t mean he wants us to take foolish risks. The risks we take in ministry must be ones that God leads us to take. You’ll find that by taking the first step, God will give you faith to take the second. My prayer is that your ministry will be full of faithful risks as you trust God to do great things through you. You only need to have faith to take one step at a time. God doesn’t ask us to take leaps of faith. He simply calls us to take the one step that he’s placed before us and, when we are obedient, he guides us to the next step.
Tomorrow I will speak about having a dangerous faith.

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