Sunday, March 31, 2013

Resurrection Sunday 2013 at NRN

As we gather for worship on this Resurrection Sunday at NRN we plan to sing the following songs to our Risen Lord:

I will draw us to prayer and then share some announcements about our growing and developing ministry.  Then the Worship Team will "kick it up" with a time of celebration:

Now we look to God's Word for today's message. 

The validity of our faith is not hat Jesus was a good person, or a great teacher – or that he died on a cross.  Jesus on the cross reveals the deep love and passion of Jesus – the Resurrection of Jesus reveals His power!   On the cross, Jesus was emptied of His glory and took upon him all our sins – and the empty tomb reveals the power to change everything! The validity of our faith is found in the resurrection of Jesus Christ – who overcame death and the grave. He who promises us eternal life – proved it is possible by overcoming death and the grave to live again!

As we conclude our worship with our offerings of finances, we also offer ourselves to God and rejoice in the Resurrection Power of Jesus Christ!

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