Friday, June 14, 2013

Pastor Rick - When he had hair...

I have recently heard a few comments about the wedding pictures I posted last Sunday at Sharron and I celebrated 35 years of marriage.  One person commented  "Wow Pastor Rick, you really did use to have hair."  

I thought you would like to see a few other pictures when I was a youth pastor, back in 1980's.

 The first is when I was a seminar speaker at a December Youth conference in Urbana, Ill.

 This is from a brochure when I shared the speaking responsibilities at a conference with Dr. John Maxwell.  
Here is a picture of the pastoral staff of Christian Fellowship Church in 1983.
Can you locate me and Sharron holding our daughters?
Enough of the laughter from the past.
Here is one of my favorite recent pictures:
Papa and Alyse


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