Tuesday, July 2, 2013

In preparation for Independance Day 2013

Last evening, I had just returned home from helping a friend and I heard the phone ring as I walked into the kitchen.  I answered the phone and then enjoyed a brief conversation with my brother in law calling from Canada.  His first question was regarding how the weather was in NC and my response about our beautiful weather ended that portion of the conversation.

I wished him a happy Canada Day!  He was very surprised that I was aware of that national holiday.

And he quickly commented that "our" special day was coming in a few days.  The conversation continued and we concluded our time together with laughter and fond farewells.  I begin to think about "our" special day and thought I would come upstairs to the computer and prepare a few post in preparation for Independence Day this coming Thursday.  Here is my first posting - a little something to make you laugh. 
Enjoy this recent recording of Tim Hawkins sharing about our National Anthem:


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