Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The message at NRN from July 14 2013

Many times I have shared that my priorities in life are simple.  My relationship with Jesus Christ is first and paramount in my life.  This past year I have focused and spoke to my church family about the importance that Jesus be in the center of everything.  More than ever, I strive to place Jesus in the center of my relationships, my finances, my everything.   Following my faith and relationship with Jesus Christ comes family. The importance of family have shaped my life more in the past six years than ever before. God had blessed Sharron and I with grandchildren as our family continues to grow.
This past week we received a phone call from our daughter Stephanie that she was diagnosed  with preeclampsia. On Friday July 12 she was taken into surgery for the birth of Cammie Lynley.  Stephanie and Cammie Lynley remain in the hospital as we wait for Cammie's weight to increase and for Stephanie to stabilize from the eclampsia. 
On Saturday I faced a major decision.  It was really a no-brainier as I had prepared for several weeks a message on the Game of Life with an emphasis on knowing the will of God.  I quickly worked on a plan to not be at NRN on Sunday and to remain with family during this time.  With the help of several good friends I was able to provide the power points and materials I usually prepare each week for the worship service.  I also provided a video of Dr. Stan Toler to bring the morning message.
On April 25, 2012 at Convocation, Dr. Stan A. Toler spoke to Liberty University students about renewing their minds to the things of Christ. He urged students to choose a positive mindset over seeing everything in a negative light. After sharing a heartwarming story of a girl who used the word "fantastic" to describe every day, he asked students to find a word and share a smile with the world.

Dr. Toler is general superintendent in the Church of the Nazarene. After serving 40 years as pastor in four different churches (Ohio, Florida, Tennessee, and Oklahoma), He was chosen for this highest elected office in 2009 at the General Assembly in Orlando, Florida. Stan has written over 80 books, including his best-sellers, God Has Never Failed Me, But He's Sure Scared Me to Death a Few Times; The Buzzards Are Circling, But God's Not Finished With Me Yet. He is gifted leader, author, and inspirational speaker.  In June 2013 Dr. Toler became general superintendent emeritus in the Church of the Nazarene,
In case you missed it - or want to see it again.  Here is the message presented at NRN this past Sunday:

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