Saturday, August 10, 2013

Revised order of worship for Sunday August 11 2013

Today has been a full day of meetings this morning and I just returned from a hospital visit.  I am dealing with physical situation as I am fighting some side effects from a new medication I tired this week.  I just took the Benadryl to help with the hives.  I check my email to discover Pastor Jordan has made some great changes to the order of worship for tomorrow.  The youth worship team will be leading us in worship. So, here is a revised order of worship for Sunday August 11, 2013:

We will begin with a warm welcome and opening prayer - and then sing our praise to the Lord.

Now we begin to prepare our heart for a time of prayer and communion:

We come to the Table of the Lord with words of gratitude and thanksgiving.

As we bring our offerings and financial gifts to the Lord we worship the Lord with this song:

Now it is time for the Word of God from 1 John 1:1-4 as we being a new teaching series:

At the close of our worship we offer a benevolence offering to assist those in our church family with needs.

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