Tuesday, September 10, 2013

I have drawn a circle of prayer...

It is hard to believe that we are already into the middle of September.  I have drawn a circle of prayer around a plea that I am crying out to God about.  Each Sunday I stand before  our church family to preach the Word of the Lord.  I find it more and more difficult to preach each week to less than 100 people.  I am crying out to God that our people will invite their friends, work associates, neighbors, and relatives to join them at church on Sunday morning.  My prayer is for an average of over 100 people each Sunday over a period of 4 Sundays before the first flake of snow falls in the Triangle area. 

A recent graph made me begin to cry out louder and with more passion:

Though the almanac calls for North Carolina to be chilly and wet - we are extremely close to the cold, wet and white area on the map.  I am praying for a miracle of God in our midst!

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