Sunday, October 27, 2013

Reflections of my message today at NRN

Today I continued in the teaching series:

I included these words of review and introduction:

Part 5    Thyatira: The Tolerant Church
Ephesus: The insensitive church
Smyrna: The faithful church

Pergamum: The compromising church

       Respecting the authority of Jesus and His Word
       Recognize the deceptive nature of compromise
       Return to seeing the situation through God’s eyes
       Rejoice in your relationship with Jesus
Thyatira: The tolerant church
The definition I gave today:
   Tolerate: Becoming comfortable with things that should be uncomfortable. 
Here are some clips for your consideration:

Is it really time to revise the Bible?

Here is the clip I used this morning:

Plan to join us next week as we continue in this series:

‘Those who have ears should listen to what the Holy Spirit says to the churches.’ 

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